"From Depths to Action: How Diving and Photography Fuel Ocean Conservation." by Van Trinh

Photo: Van Trinh#memberprofile #diverstory

"From Depths to Action: How Diving and Photography Fuel Ocean Conservation"

Diving opens the door to an extraordinary world that few ever see. The silence of the deep, the vibrant marine life, and the intricate coral reefs inspire awe in every diver. Yet, with this awe comes a responsibility—a duty to protect the fragile ecosystems we explore. For many divers, including myself, the underwater experience has become a call to action.

Over the past eight years, I’ve dived across the Coral Triangle, camera in hand, initially driven by the desire to document the beauty of the underwater world. However, each dive revealed more than just stunning coral and schools of fish—it exposed the delicate balance of marine ecosystems and the increasing threats they face. My passion for photography quickly evolved from capturing beauty to raising awareness about the urgency of ocean conservation.

Photography became a powerful tool for advocacy. Through my lens, I could communicate the vulnerability of marine life, often more effectively than words. This realisation led me to join a local diving community in Ho Chi Minh City, where we shared a collective concern for the ocean's future. Leading conservation dives for this group was a turning point, where I combined my diving and photography skills with a renewed mission: to inspire others to care about the ocean's preservation.

Cyerce nigra
Hippocampus pontohi
Idiosepius pygmaeus, Two-Tone Pygmy Squid

Becoming a Divemaster was a crucial step. It wasn’t just about improving my diving; it was about learning how to lead with purpose. My dive centre, Rumblefish, supported my growing interest in marine conservation, providing me with access to literature on the subject. This spurred me to pursue qualifications as an underwater photography and AWARE Specialist Instructor, enabling me to lead and document initiatives like Dive Against Debris and Coral Reef Conservation.

As my journey progressed, the connection between diving, photography, and conservation became even clearer. Photography was no longer merely about capturing beautiful images—it became a way to show the stark realities facing the marine environment. I wanted to give other divers and aspiring underwater photographers the tools to merge their passion for diving with conservation.

This inspired me to create an advanced underwater photography course, where I combined my instructor certification with my commitment to sustainability. The workshop is not just about technical skills in photography or diving; it’s about fostering ethical, environmentally conscious practices. My goal is to teach others how to capture the underwater world responsibly — a lesson I wish I had when I began.

Beyond the workshop, I began hosting meet-ups, exhibits, and community events, creating spaces where divers and non-divers could come together to learn and raise awareness. These events helped build a community of ocean advocates, all dedicated to reducing their impact on marine ecosystems and inspiring others to do the same.

For divers, photography is more than just a way to document their adventures: it’s a means of storytelling. We have a unique opportunity to share the beauty of the ocean and highlight the urgent need for its protection. But with that opportunity comes responsibility. Each dive should serve as a reminder that we are not just observers of the ocean; we are its stewards.

Written by Van, divemaster, uw photography instructor, PADI Aware Specialty Instructor - 23 September .2024
DM Training - Briefing & leading a dive
Becoming AWARE Specialty Instructor
Developing B&L UW Photography Course

Van's Instagram gallery  @thalassoan_miniatures